Rock Salt Alternatives
According to recent surveys conducted in America, 65% of American households use rock salts and other salt products to melt ice and snow in winter seasons. But the issue is lots of people are unaware of the environmental and health dangers of this product. These ice melters contain sodium chloride and potassium chloride. It can easily heat up to 170 degrees when it is exposed to low temperatures and water. These chlorides will pose dangers to the environment and to our pets. When rock salts is used to clear ice and snow on the concrete walkways, it will dissolve into the water slowly and spreads to a larger area. So when the temperatures fall and rise, it will create a freeze and thaw cycle. The problem is it increases freeze and thaw cycle and doubles the expansion rate in the freezing process. So when the freezing starts again, it expands, placing stress on the surface. After some time, it will cause cracks because of this stress. The serious drawbacks of rock salts are temperature,...