How Much Ice Melt Should You Use?
We all know how ice melt affects our environment and vegetation. Whether it is rock salt or potassium chloride ice melt, we have several products used by residential and commercial establishments today. While each product has specific properties, some are more harmful than others, thus damaging our environment and concrete in several ways. The most frequently asked question is how much ice melt one should use before stepping out of your home. Whether it is Safe Paw ice melter 35 lbs/pail or rock salt or a blend of ice melt, each has a specific quantity you must use to protect the surface and build traction. New concrete is susceptible to damage, and hence one must be careful while spreading any ice melt. Cured concrete that is over a year old can still withstand the harshness of the blends. The Dos And Don’ts Of Using Ice Melt: 1. You should use ice melt as per the instructions on the cover or the jar. For example, Safe Paw ice melter 35 lbs/pail comes with detailed instructions...