Why You Should Invest In Ice Melt

Safe Paw - Non Toxic Ice Melt

With winter only a few months away, many homeowners are stocking up on deicer to protect themselves from potential damage as well as to protect crucial portions of the garden from harsh frosts. 

Unfortunately, many of you may have made the mistake of putting your hard-earned money into rock salt, also known as sodium chloride. While there’s no doubt that it works as a deicing product, it does have a few flaws that aren’t well-publicized. Let us know more about how important it is to use non-toxic ice melt for keeping your family and pet safe.

Non Toxic Ice Melt

Safe Paw Pet Safe Ice Melter

Safe Paw

The Original and the #1 Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe – will not harm waterways and sensitive wetlands.

It Is Cost-effective

People frequently make the mistake of not purchasing ice melt to save money. This error, though, can be costly. The costs of not utilizing ice melt throughout the winter are far greater than the cost of the product. Invest in concrete-safe ice melt each winter season to be on the safe side. 

It Melts Ice

The capacity of Ice Melt to dissolve ice is undoubtedly its most significant advantage. Ice melt, unlike other chemicals, prevents ice from forming on asphalt, concrete, stone, and other surfaces. It works better than tiring shoveling and expensive heating gadgets.

Get ready for winter with the ONLY Pet Safe Ice Melt you can trust


It’s Better For Your Plants And Pets 

Salt-free ice melt, unlike rock salt and chemical compounds, is non-toxic to plants and animals. Rock salt can burn your pet’s paws or fry your plants. If your pet ingests it by accident, it can be fatal. Pet-safe Ice melt, on the other hand, does not pose the same dangers. While every ice melt comes with caution, it is a far safer option to dangerous chemical products, and it is gentler on dogs, plants, and grass.

It Keeps You Out Of Legal Trouble 

One of the benefits of natural ice melt is that it reduces the time it melts the ice. It is your job as a property or business owner to keep your location safe and avoid the possibility of injuries and lawsuits. Using ice melt on the surfaces around your home or company, on the other hand, can help you avoid a lawsuit or liability claim.

Enhanced Security 

As previously stated, ice melt makes pedestrian pathways significantly safer. It also aids in ensuring safe passage for motor vehicles, even before a storm has started. Ice melt can considerably reduce accidents by preventing hazardous circumstances from forming on steep grades, bridges, and sharp curves. Moreover, an ice melter that is paw safe will keep your pets safe throughout the winter months.

Get ready for winter with the ONLY Pet Safe Ice Melt you can trust


With winter approaching, now is the best time to stock up on deicer supplies. This year, though, it’s time to ditch the customary rock salt in favor of a more effective salt-free natural ice melt.  You can use this non-toxic ice melt to protect yourself from injury and property damage. 

You won’t be harming the environment because natural and environmentally friendly ice melt aids in the survival of your garden during the winter months, and you only need a fraction of the amount thanks to its constant melting abilities. A good ice melt will ensure the complete safety of your family and will keep your pets and neighbors happy.

Other Ice Melt Products

Traction Magic Ice Melt Spreader

Traction Magic

Stay safe on slippery surfaces with a product that’s 100% natural and safe for pets, people, and your property. Use Traction Magic on sidewalks, steps, or as instant traction for your car. Made in the USA.

Safe Thaw Ice Melter Safe For Concrete

Safe Thaw

Imagine an ice melt you can put down and never worry about. It won’t harm pets, kids and your property. That’s Safe Thaw. Unlike anything else on the market, Safe Thaw can change how winter affects our planet.


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