Negative Impact Of Salt On Your Property

Rock Salt For Snow

As the winter season comes to a close, you may be wondering how to get rid of the ice on your property. After all, it’s not only unsightly; it can also pose a hazard for pedestrians and vehicles alike. Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of snow and ice from your property quickly and easily. One of these methods is salt. But is it safe to use rock salt for snow? The answer is NO. 

Here are some reasons to avoid using rock salt for snow.

1. Makes It Easier For Water To Penetrate

When it comes to concrete, mainly freshly mixed concrete, any substance that contains chlorides is highly hazardous to concrete. As these chemicals have a trace amount of acid, they reduce the strength of the paste that binds the concrete together by expanding the pores and making it easier for water to penetrate. As a result, the freeze-thaw cycle will get more severe once extra water enters the system. 

Get ready for winter with the ONLY Pet Safe Ice Melt you can trust


2. Holds Water, Damages Concrete

Salt is a particular hygroscopic substance that can hold onto water. However, when the driveway salt penetrates the pore structure, it can repeatedly draw up to 10 percent more water, freeze, and thaw. As a result, the concrete sustains damage that is beyond repair. 

100% Salt-Free Ice Melt

Safe Paw Ice Melter Safe For Concrete

Safe Paw

The Original and the #1 Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe – will not harm waterways and sensitive wetlands.

3. Corrodes Reinforced Steel

Chlorides play an essential part in the corrosion of reinforcing steel because they can swiftly break through the iron oxide layer that acts as a protective barrier and then initiate the process that causes steel to rust. Hence, avoiding chlorides from melting ice on your concrete is advisable. Instead, a safe and natural ice melt with fast action should be used. It will keep your concrete safe and will melt ice immediately.

4. Damages Vehicles On Your Driveway

The paint on the car corrodes from the driveway ice melt salt, which causes rust to develop beneath the surface, bubble up, and become brittle and flaky. Moreover, it does not provide adequate traction for people and vehicles.

The chloride ice melt can damage your driveway in just one season. Concrete shouldn’t be exposed to toxic chemicals. 

If you are guessing how to melt ice on concrete without salt, you don’t need to worry anymore. The answer lies in Safe Paw. When a significant amount of snow accumulates over time, the safest action is to apply a natural and safe ice melt solution that can also avoid slipping. 

Safe Paw, a natural salt-free ice melt, offers resistance to slip and fall. As a result, it can be safely used even in thick ice and at the lowest temperature.

Safe Paw works in two steps: first, it breaks the ice and then melts it without allowing it to freeze again. This combination is good for melting through even the most challenging situations, including ice formations and packed snow. It works better than the best snow blowers.

Get ready for winter with the ONLY Pet Safe Ice Melt you can trust


Salt is a corrosive chemical that can cause damage to plants and animals if it gets into the soil or water supply. When salt is used on your driveway or sidewalk, it dissolves in rainwater and drains into nearby streams; this can harm aquatic life by causing high levels of salt concentration in their bodies.

Get ready for winter with the ONLY Pet Safe Ice Melt you can trust

Other Ice Melt Products

Traction Magic

Stay safe on slippery surfaces with a product that’s 100% natural and safe for pets, people, and your property. Use Traction Magic on sidewalks, steps, or as instant traction for your car.

Traction Magic Road Salt Alternative

Safe Thaw

Imagine an ice melt you can put down and never worry about. It won’t harm pets, kids and your property. That’s Safe Thaw. Unlike anything else on the market, Safe Thaw can change how winter affects our planet.

Safe Thaw Ice And Snow Melter


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